Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Veil and the Male Elite

            Mernissi’s book reflects a theme stressing that the veil in the Islamic context is more of a social representation than a religious one. The book as well poses deeply integrates the issue of feminism within the theological aspects of Islam. For instance, Mernissi claimed that Muhammad, the founder of Islam is polygamous and recognizes the essence of affection and sexuality. However, as the book expounds more of the Muslim history, serious issues of feminism and its connection towards religion has been explored. For instance, Mernissi discussed the means Muslim priests have manipulated sacred texts in 7th century onward, with the purpose of maintaining the male privileges. Moreover, Mernissi looked into how women are described as submissive and marginal creatures by exploring the stories and deeds of Prophet Muhammad, reinterpreting the history of Islam, and the textual analyses of Hadith.

            Mernissi’s book further demonstrates how the issue of feminism as well expands to the religious aspects. Aside from the controversial religious notions, the book as well looked into the meanings of the culture and traditions of Islam, especially the veil. Based on such focus alone, the social leveling and status has been underscored again, with women at the bottom. How women are seen nowadays, especially the Muslims are indeed shaped by these cultures and traditions, and even religion. It is personally believed that religion and culture can as well do something to lift the roles and women, even if it may be extremely impossible to implement nowadays.

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