Tuesday, October 13, 2015

More Mahmood: "Agency, Gender, and Embodiment"

"Action does not issue forth from natural feeling but creates them." (p. 157)   
This chapter gave insight on the very [almost] subliminal aspect of passivity in women's society. From what I gathered, it is a system in which the act of piety itself stems from a deep air of passivity-- this air, so to speak, is the direct spawn of societal norms that feed into the subjugation of women as a whole. Furthermore, it also unravels the idea of [some] women's subordination by the way of the above quote: "Action does not issue forth from natural feeling but creates them." Which, in all basis, helped me understand the seeming thesis of this chapter: that we are essentially a product of our actions. 

Upon further reading into the chapter, it was very apparent that Mahmood seeks to shirk societal norms that subordinate the woman. Instead, she seeks to let women make their own decisions/motives on who they decide to be. It is this so-called 'mold' that she closes with that caught my eye: basically, Mahmood seeks to encourage the woman to stop trying to fit into a specific caste of society, this caste is/SHOULD not fully be formed as a starting point, because it falsifies the woman, and creates this veiled opinion of the woman as a societal conglomerate. 

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